Funnel Web Profiler 2.0

Funnel Web Profiler 2.0

Free Every person who visits your company's Web site leaves a trail behind
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Awards (1)
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Software Informer Virus Free award

Every person who visits your company's Web site leaves a trail behind.
Your Web server logs their every action and you can use this information to help improve your business.
Funnel Web® Analyzer provides essential Web site visitor and traffic analysis.
It measures everything from server load and referrals to visitor demographics and marketing ROI.
Funnel Web Analyzer helps you optimize your web site by allowing you to analyze how users interact with your site and helps you make informed decisions about what changes you can make to improve their experience.
What are the demographics of my customers?

How many unique customers do I have, and how many of these are repeat visitors?
How long does a visitor spend on each page?
Which streaming media files are most popular?
What are my most popular pages?
How successful was my banner advertisement in
attracting visitors to my site?
What are the peak periods of activity on my site?
What downloads are most popular?
What search terms are people using to find my site?



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